On July 24 – 27 2013 the Nexus Global Youth Summit 2013 of Innovative Philanthropy & Social Entrepreneurship took place at the United Nations. The international director, Emilie McGlone, along with her two interns Helen Hope Rolfe and I (Michelle Terazawa) attended and participated in this summit. Nexus is an international network of more than 1000 young philanthropists, social entrepreneurs and global peace makers who work to improve philanthropy and social impact investing. http://www.facebook.com/nexusyouthsummit
The Nexus Global Youth Summit 2013 consisted of an overwhelming number of interactive sessions, oral & visual presentations, collaborative discussions, and Q & A’s ranging from a wide variety of topics and issues. The following themes that were offered in these sessions included: innovation, youth, philanthropy, issue in focus, task force, film, and impact investing.
The program offered an anomaly of interactive sessions such as “How Pop Culture Can Drive Social Change”, “Investing In Africa”, “Networks & Initiatives that Create Global Citizens” and many others that encompassed the broad range of themes that positively contribute to the betterment of the world.
To view Twitter feed regarding the Nexus Global Youth Summit 2013:
@thenexussummit OR #NexusGYS
This post was created and published by Michelle (Intern from Peace Boat US)