Get Involved

Join a Peace Boat US Program

Peace Boat US organizes unique programs onboard Peace Boat voyages. Our programs are designed for students, activists, and young leaders from around the world, combining academic, experiential, and in-port components. We also create custom programs for student groups, youth leadership programs, and life-long learning cohorts, and our partners include universities, high schools, non-profit organizations.

Intern or Volunteer with Peace Boat US

Gain insight and experience in the civil society, non-profit, and non-governmental field, with one of the most unique and interesting NGOs in the world – experience that will help you stand out. We need intern and volunteer support to organize projects and events with partner organizations, organize and attend events at the UN Headquarters, assist with events onboard Peace Boat during visits to NYC, support our Youth for the SDGs program, support administrative tasks and in many other areas.

Travel onboard a Peace Boat Voyage

Peace Boat voyages are open to participants from around the world. You can participate in the onboard education programs at your own pace, and join for a segment or an entire voyage.

Peace Boat is an NGO funded on a social business model through our voyages, enabling us to maintain our financial and ideological independence, while securing sustainability for the future. Peace Boat calls our passengers “participants”, because everyone who joins a voyage contributes to Peace Boat’s activities, and becomes an active “participant”.

The travel component of our programs is offered by Japan Grace Co., Ltd., the licensed travel operator of the Peace Boat.

Volunteer with Peace Boat in Japan or Onboard a Voyage

There are many ways to get involved with our partner organization Peace Boat, based in Tokyo, Japan. Peace Boat is especially interested in:

  • Volunteer English or Spanish instructors onboard a voyage
  • Volunteer Interpreter (Japanese + English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish) onboard a voyage
  • Internship in Peace Boat’s head office in Tokyo

Please see the Peace Boat website to learn more about requirements for each position and the application process.