Directed by Robert Richter | Produced by Kathleen Sullivan | 2012 | 39 min. | USA
May 6, 6:30pm @ 87 Lafayette St.
DC TV, Global Kids, Hibakusha Stories and Peace Boat US invite you to join us for a night of film and a special talk by Dr. Kathleen Sullivan of Hibakusha Stories, along with three survivors of the atomic bombings from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Hibakusha Stories passes the legacy of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to a new generation, and empowers them with tools to build a world free of nuclear weapons.
Following the screening will be a Q&A with Ultimate Wish film makers Robert Richter and Kathleen Sullivan, and atomic bomb survivors Shigeko Sasamori, Jong-Keun Lee, and Reiko Yamada.
The Ultimate Wish focuses on the moving, unforgettable stories of Nagasaki and Fukushima survivors. Their stories are interlaced with expert commentary illuminating the largely unrecognized connection between nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Archival footage, some of it shocking and disturbing, puts their comments in riveting context. The documentary raises profound questions about war, technological failure, the courage to survive and the importance of taking positive actions to prevent future nuclear disasters.
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