Sunday, April 26
11 AM (EST)

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Coinciding with this year’s Earth Day 50th Anniversary celebration, on April 25-26th, we join in partnership with March for Science to invite Peace Boat youth representatives from the Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador program along with the Peace Boat US “Youth for the SDGs” scholars to share their innovative solutions for the oceans as part of our 2020 Ocean Youth Leaders spotlight series online.

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The Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador program brings youth leaders from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on the front line of climate change and marine degradation to travel onboard Peace Boat’s ship, engaging in capacity building and bringing their message to citizens and government representatives through the voyage. The program was launched at the Ocean Conference at the United Nations in 2017 and has been held annually since, with the participation of young leaders from countries in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as the Caribbean. The “Youth for the SDGs” scholarship program invites young people working on sustainability of the oceans and climate action in their home communities to share their solutions and best practices in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals at the local level from a youth perspective.

Peace Boat commits to further educational programs and mobilization for marine science to support this important initiative amongst youth and civil society as we work towards the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), initiated by the United Nations to support efforts to reverse the cycle of decline in ocean health and gather ocean stakeholders worldwide behind a common framework for the oceans.

Join us online from 11 AM EST on April 26th by RSVP’ing at:
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This event will feature two of our youth scholars:

Mareeka Dookie, Trinidad and Tobago | Saint Martin

Educator and youth activist devoted to tackling climate change in the Caribbean with a focus on disaster risk reduction and resilience among communities working towards sustainable development.

Shafira Charlette, Seychelles

Environmental Activist and Treasurer for the SIDS Youth AIMS Hub, a regional network of young people promoting and advancing youth-led sustainable development projects in the Seychelles.