A creative Climate Week event that will raise awareness
about important global issues
while showcasing inspiring stories through films.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020
From 10 AM Eastern Time – 24 Hours

Registration: https://bit.ly/Climate-Cinema-Sept30

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Climate Week NYC – officially September 21-27 and with events through the end of the month – is the largest climate summit in 2020, in coordination with the United Nations General Assembly and the City of New York.

Climate Cinema presents 39 short films, listed below, to raise awareness about important global issues while showcasing some of the world’s most inspiring stories for climate action and sustainable development. Produced by Peace Boat US and partners for Climate Action and utilizing the Social Impact Media Awards (SIMA) virtual theater, Climate Cinema is a can’t-miss event of Climate Week NYC.

  • The full-day experience comprises 39 short films including documentaries, interviews and theater that highlight innovative solutions for our environment.
  • All films are accessible upon entry to the event. Watch as many as you like, in the order you like!
  • A donation of any amount is required to register for this event. Donations will support Peace Boat US’s youth programs for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Your generosity is deeply appreciated!
  • The link to attend and further details will be sent to all registrants by email prior to the event.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Against the Tide : A Journey for Climate Hope
Directed by Luis Barreto and Produced by Karen Hallows and Chema Sarri
Interview with the producers of Against the Tide: a Journey for Climate Hope
Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassadors short film
Directed by Ryan Carl

Ecoship – Sailing for Sustainability
Directed by Yoshioka Tatsuya, Founder of Peace Boat
PangeaSeed Foundation’s Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans
Produced by Yoshi Yanagita
Music: “Swallow’s Tempest” by Gigi Masin and “Another Sun” by Easy Giant
PangeaSeed presents Sea Walls Cozumel, Mexico
Video produced by Yoshi Yanagit
Protect What You Love | Protect Your Island – Sea Walls:
Artists for Oceans – Bali, Indonesia
Produced by Yoshi Yanagita
Behind the Scenes Interview with Tre Packard from PangeaSeed Foundation
and Emilie McGlone, Director of Peace Boat US
Virtual Diving with Underwater Earth
Moderated by EarthXR Director Tiffany Kieran
Ghostfleet Trailer
Directed by Shannon Service and Jeffery Waldron
Evidence of Hope: Island Resilience
Produced by: Tasha Goldberg
Evidence of Hope: Women of Morocco
Produced by: Tasha Goldberg
Terra Nostra
Composed by Christophe Chagnard and produced by Charlie Spears
Interview with Christophe Chagnard of Terra Nostra and Emilie McGlone
AY Young (AY-MusiK) LIVE powered by Renewable Energy “Battery Tour”
Shot by Black Palms
Global Kids are Inspiring Action for our Climate
The Cigarette Surfboard
By Ben Judkins and Taylor Lane
Art with Me
GNP Presented by TANE
Sustainable Ocean Alliance calls for action!
Oceanic Global x Ibiza
HK Wasteland Oceanic
A film in collaboration with
Letian Perspective,
produced by Ryan Keller
Ben Robertson-Macleod
For our Future – Blue Planet Foundation
Ocean Acidification & Coral Reefs (Conservation Cartoons)
From Future Frogmen

Produced by Halle Berger
and Jessica Wiener
Whale Nation
Produced by GEORGI TUSHEV and Nina Kantcheva
The Great Oven
The Pearls of New York
Produced by
Stories x Future with the
Overview Collective
Underwater filming with VRTUL
Produced by Stories x Future with the Overview Collective
Produced by Daniel Bury
Restore Coral
Produced by
Roberto Cerda
Reimagine Humanity
Produced by Ensemble Mik
Nawooj, Nichi Bay
Productions and the
Humanity Lab Foundation
We are the Ocean
Directed by Ioana Mischie
Produced by
Experiential Atelier
Food for Thought with Scrappy Meals
Produced by Steel Sessions, One Up Creations
The Wetland, Cinematic VR
Writer/Director: Ioana Mischie
A Plastic Paradise
Produced by Richard Che
Dutjahn Sandalwood Oils Pty. Ltd. (Australia) – Equator Prize 2019 winner
Fondo de Páramos Tungurahua y Lucha contra la Pobreza (Ecuador) – Equator Prize 2019 winner
Conselho de gestão da área marinha protegida comunitária Urok (Guinea-Bissau) – Equator Prize 2019 winner
Deccan Development Society (India) – Equator Prize 2019 winner
Salween Peace Park (Myanmar) – Equator Prize 2020 winner