On July 2, 2013 Peace Boat US staff members participated in the preparatory meeting at the United Nations for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. Peace Boat US continues to work with Indigenous Peoples and communities on Peace Boat Global Voyages around the world. Below you can find information from the outcome document in preparation for the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.


We Indigenous Peoples and Nations representing the 7 global geo-political regions including representatives of the women’s caucus and the youth caucus have gathered in the traditional territories and lands of the Sami people at Alta, Norway. The purpose was to exchange views and proposals and develop collective recommendations on the UN High Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples which will convene in New York, 22 – 23 September 2014.

As the original and distinct Peoples and Nations of our territories we abide by natural laws and have our own laws, spirituality and world views. We have our own governance structures, knowledge systems, values and the love, respect and lifeways, which form the basis of our identity as Indigenous Peoples and our relationship with the natural world.

For centuries, we Indigenous Peoples have faced and continue to face colonization of our lands, territories, resources, air, ice, oceans and waters, mountains and forests. This has resulted in patterns of domination, exploitation and subjugation of our Peoples.

We Indigenous Peoples, have the right of self determination and permanent sovereignty over our lands, territories, resources, air, ice, oceans and waters, mountains and forests. We condemn violence against Indigenous women, youth and children as one of the worst human rights violations affecting Indigenous Peoples and families. Violence against Indigenous women, youth and children is dehumanizing and also affects their spiritual development and violates their human rights.

The four key themes that are included in this document are as follows:

1). Indigenous Peoples’ lands, territories, resources, oceans and waters

2). Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

3). UN system action for the implementation of the rights of Indigenous Peoples

4). Indigenous Peoples’ priorities for Development with free, prior and informed consent

If you would like to find out more information about the United Nations World Conference On Indigenous Peoples please visit: http://wcip2014.org/

If you would like to see more info about various Indigenous communities from both Guatemala and Panama respectively please visit: